Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

All FAQs

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Frequently Asked CAP Funding-related Questions

  1. Does your project qualify for In3 Completion Assurance [Guarantee] Program™ funding?
  2. How will you decide which type of guarantee is right?  Compare the requirements and tradeoffs of each type, then follow this guide to facilitate the type you select.
  3. For illiquid companies without assets, creditworthiness or balance sheet depth:
    What’s a ‘sponsor’ and how can I secure a guarantor for projects we wish to fund?”  More tips on “How can we obtain a suitable guarantee?
  4. We really can’t figure our the guarantee thing; we don’t have access to anyone that would sponsor or the project on our behalf. Are there any other options?  Yes, see “Plan B” on our New Client Resources Center.
  5. What’s the meaning of _____________?  (Glossary of Financial Terminology)

All FAQs for In3 Funding

Frequent Questions about How We Work (general/overview In3 FAQ)

What is the Completion Assurance [Guarantee] Program? (CAP funding synopsis)

What makes CAP funding different?” —  defines CAP’s purpose, goals, benefits & advantages.

CAP Funding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I get a guarantor on board and committed? (clear the path of obstacles and objections via this 3-page problem-solving guide)

New to the idea of financial guarantees (also called “demand guarantees”) for funding projects?  Download this 4-pg PDF whitepaper, “Introduction to Financial Guarantees for project funding through In3”

Is this almost entirely gibberish?  Glossary of Terminology

Success Tips — starting with “What is a sponsor and why might you need one?”

Impact Guarantee Fund FAQ (coming soon)

Additional Resources