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Category: Impact & Climate Finance

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Mid-Market Project Financing — “Completion Assurance” Program gets a new name

In3 CGP is now called CAP — Completion Assurance Program — here’s why.

Practitioner Series: Demand Guarantee Rules for Project Finance — ICC URDG 758

Practitioner Series: Demand Guarantee Rules for project finance security — inside the proven machine that makes CAP funding easy and available.

New option to qualify for CAP project funding — Avalized Promissory Note

Project developers can qualify for project funding under In3’s Completion Assurance Program™ (CAP) using a simple, 1-page commercial Promissory Note (PN) per bank “aval” or endorsement (an AvPN, defined below) as an alternative to a Bank Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit (BG/SbLC) or Sovereign Guarantee (SG).  These are presently the main options available to…
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Finance Anything: Startups, Greenfield or Growth Capital Formation

Sooner or later, anyone starting or growing a business will need to raise money to finance further development or prove that their venture or project can deliver value. Gaining access to such funding can be maker/breaker for any enterprise or project.  Cash to keep the doors open is like oxygen. Timing is one of the…
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Free words have power wooden

Terminology Demystified

Definitions of various impact/sustainable investing terms and trends

What Makes In3CAP Funding Different?

Purpose, Goals, Benefits and Advantages of In3’s Completion Assurance Program (CAP) funding

Clean Capital Investing & Climate Finance Trends Show Promise

25 April 2018 This renewables infrastructure finance space is getting a bit popular, or maybe even crowded, in a good way.  When the behemoths start jockeying for a place in the climate finance arena, Wall Street suddenly pays attention.  Both announced recently: Morgan Stanley’s new commitment to finance clean-tech and renewable energy efforts by investing $250…
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Highlights of “Climate Reckoning” at Harvard University

The Profitable Path to Climate Change Reversal In3’s founder, Daniel Robin, and Bio4Climate’s chief scientist, Jim Laurie, both spoke at this Climate Reckoning 3-day Conference showing what is already working and within reach for profitably restoring our favorite planet, mama earth. Mr. Robin gave several practical examples — success stories that show how conservation, carbon…
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Workshop: Social & Environmental Aspects of Fundraising at “Climate Reckoning” Conference (Harvard)

Daniel Robin of In3 Capital Partners facilitated an informal workshop at the Nov 2017 Climate Reckoning conference, at Harvard University. The workshop was held on Sun., Nov 19th, entitled “Selfless or Selfish:  Fundraising for Purpose-Driven Organizations” and was very well received. Participant Eva Leung, founder of small not-for-profit Terra Cura, quoted Daniel’s comment about what it takes…
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