Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

Clean Energy: Solar – Wind – Biomass – Hydro

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Clean Energy: Solar – Wind – Biomass – Hydro

23293531 - storage of wooden biomass against blue sky with reflectionIn3’s investors are focused on financing construction-ready projects across all asset classes, structures and geographies in energy-related areas, including utility-scale solar, wind, waste-to-energy, small hydroelectricity (under ~10MW), geothermal, and tidal/wave power.  We can finance energy generation, distribution, infrastructure such as transmission, and manufacture of energy-related products such as drop-in biofuels, renewable fuels, energy pellets, and more.

In three industries — solar, wind and waste-to-value — we also offer project origination, design & development, vetting (pre-due diligence), de-risking and related EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) services, in addition to financing.
In3 Group enjoys partnership with experts in these industries with access to competitive rates for Tier 1 suppliers of AAA-rated equipment. We have helped clients build projects as large as 300MW in the US and developing/emerging markets in more than a dozen countries to date. Ask us for details.

23993734 - solar and wind power in sunset,green energy background.Available financing for projects in qualified countries include proven technologies for purifying or de-watering polluted or contaminated sources as well as desalination, de-watering through advanced electrolysis, distillation or reverse osmosis, water efficiency (not wasting water in the first place is arguably the most value form of production), with a bias toward disruptive innovations, but technically and financially well-supported solutions worldwide can be qualified. Use our Readiness and Investment Navigator (RAIN) assessment to obtain your pre-qualification scores.

Contact us or complete our fast/friendly RAIN assessment for next steps.