Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

In3 Client History & Portfolio

Inspire | Innovate | Invest


Client History

See below for examples of specific portfolio companies and client work history.  We uphold strict confidentiality and the highest ethical standards, thus only a choice selection of clients can be publicly disclosed.

See In3 Client overview or Client Case Studies & Testimonials for expertise and services we offer.

Client Company / Location
Value Delivered
Northwest USA
Affordable worker housing
Midwest USA
End-of-life tire pyrolysis with on-site fractionation of liquids (tire pyrolysis oil) instead of combustion as fuel.
Northeast USA
2023 – current
Ecological design commercial real estate
Asia (confidential)
2023 – current
Commercial real estate project in a developing country that needs modern, leasable, office space for top-tier institutions to work and provide their services from a centralized location near the largest city in the country.  Developer has completed projects previously so was able to bring forward their own Completion Assurance guarantee.
North America, Latin America and Caribbean (confidential)
2023 – current
Commercial real estate projects from ecoresorts to “regenerative” hospitality, affordable multifamily housing, ecorestoration projects that promote ecotourism, or provide essential worker housing, or simply as part of a region’s growing business environment.
North America and Europe (confidential)
2023 – current
Waste-to-Value in the form of end-of-life tires via thermochemical conversion (pyrolysis) — four projects from 3 different developers.  In3 served as co-developers and industry experts for financial modeling, vetting, benchmarking rates, deal packaging and presentation to in-house funding programs. 
North America (confidential)
Electrification of transportation — strategic planning, including tax incentives/equities and transitional fuels, leveraging a US DoE loan guarantee, identify and introduce backers of the required completion guarantee under In3 CAP Funding*.
Philippines and Florida
2022 – current
Venture capital and project finance hybrid for alternative, advanced building materials.  Identify and introduce backers of the required completion guarantee under In3 CAP Funding*.
Canada (confidential)
2021 – 2022
Co-develop 200MW solar project and arrange financing through a funding partner. Involves an In3 Master Affiliate, merchant pricing, and attractive carbon credits.
California (confidential)
2020 – current
Venture capital and project finance (production facility) hybrid for an agricultural input company.  Identify and introduce backers of the required completion guarantee under In3 CAP Funding.
East Africa (confidential)
Real Estate (housing) to be delivered in several stages via In3 CAP. Vetting, pre-qualification and funding per our mandate.
N. America (confidential)
Commercial Real Estate and infrastructure development and refurbishment; vetting/funding via CAP funding.
SMRT Farms
2020 – current
Regenerative, “no till” agriculture (multi-paddock rotational grazing, organic water-wise row crops, fertigation, and bamboo in the Midwestern US, packaging & funding via CAP.
Luke Society Hospital & Eye Care Center
2020 – current
Project manage, plan and finance healthcare expansion and community development projects in Ghana via CAP funding.
AQAN LLC (Uzbekistan)
2020 – current
Confidential project planning, financial modeling and financing in the food space. 
Sustainable Botanicals International (SBI) 
Assist with packaging and presenting this certified organic, Fair Trade, specialty botanical oils enterprise, an international project “roll-up”.  Transaction incomplete.
Chollas EcoVillage project (Groundwork San Diego)
Audited and improved financials for California Energy Commission (CEC) Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Challenge Grant awarded for plans to build an Advanced Energy Community (AEC) using “net zero energy” (NZE) in this disadvantaged community.
Fego Foods Processing Ltd (Ghana)
2018 – 2020
Co-develop strategic/business plan and capital campaign for “climate-smart” agriculture (no till, organic, and other practices to build up soil carbon).
North Park Power Ltd (W. Africa)2018 – presentProject development via private, long-term PPAs, planning and financing for bulk (utility-scale) power generation and storage.
Cetyl Holdings (US)
Plant acquisition and retrofit project finance in the biofuels space.
McBill Engineering Ltd (Ghana)
2017 – 2018
Originating project finance for a series of utility-scale solar/PV arrays with storage.
GCT Anchor Fund (Portugal)
2016 – 2017
Private equity investment fund sponsoring projects in renewable energy in the US and Europe.  Assisted with project finance via In3 Capital Partners expert system.
Fine Dried Foods Int’l (US)
2016 – 2017, 2019
One of the largest producers of dried organic tropical fruits.  Business development, strategic planning, metrics and BI analytics, scorecards and project feasibility studies.
BamCore LLC
2016 & 2019 – 2020
Revolutionary new way to build.  Embeds bamboo between soft-wood veneers, with multiple patented systems for radical efficiency and building performance.  Pitch presentation and introduction services.  See website.
Diverso Energy (Canada)
Project finance (debt facility) for cost-advantageous, geothermal (Geo-Exchange™) renewable energy used for multifamily, commercial and office building heating and cooling.  See website.
Atlantsmyllan Sp/f (Faroe Islands)
2016 – 2017
Business development and finance for renewable energy projects, favoring island nations and coastal environments.
AQAN LLC (Uzbekistan)
Business development and project finance for cold storage and warehousing of food and related products.
Chazon Energy
2015 – 2016
Business development and finance (stealth mode) for renewable energy and materials company.
Byogy Renewables
2015 – 2016
Capital campaign to further develop and expand opportunities for converting ethanol into A1 Jet Fuel, renewable diesel, food and fiber.
Pinwheel Learning LLC
2015 – 2016
Business development and finance (stealth mode) for alternative learning and social media company.
Pascuales Partners LLC (Latin America)
2015 – 2016
Capital campaign for radically innovative real estate projects, designed for new urban, mixed-use, master-planned, sustainable neighborhoods, enabling healthy, zero waste, zero carbon and zero water use for residents.  Fundraising strategic advice, media and PR consulting.
NEIN Agriculture Ltd (S. Korea)
Organic poultry project finance package:  business plan narrative, information summary, financial model, and presentation materials.
Encore, Inc. (Senegal)
2014 – 2015
Agriculture value chain project improving grain yields, quality and capacity through post-harvest processing techniques, better storage and transportation systems.  Coaching, planning, writing and investor sourcing.
Confidential (India)
Sale of established small hydroelectric (run-of-the-river) power generation asset in North India.
AgriSmart Inc. (Cote d’Ivoire, Africa)
Project development and planning, presentation package, de-risking, coaching, fundraising and related strategic advice to establish large, sustainable agriculture project in degraded forest lands via public-private partnership.
ALKA Polyester (Turkey)
Project planning, financial modeling, presentation, de-risking, fundraising and related advice to establish large, recycled polyester facility in Turkey.  Expansion project of existing group of companies; visited Saudi Arabian strategic partner.
Mazazul Organics, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)
Loan origination, strategic advice, planning, writing, coaching, de-risking and presentation of complete loan package to development finance institution for expansion of food processing operations.  Sponsor:  Fine Dried Foods Int’l.
Aquaponics, Inc. (Hawaii)
Aquaculture and produce technology innovation in the US, with strategic alliances formed into Ghana, West Africa.
Medical Services Int’l (Ghana)
2013, 2019
Project development and planning, grant development consulting, coaching and related strategic advice to establish specialized healthcare clinics in Ghana and the surrounding region.
Carbon Drawdown Solutions, Inc. (US, Asia, LatAm)
2013- present
Biomass waste conversion systems, turnkey and proven for energy, biochar and process heat.  Venture development, business planning, joint ventures and strategic partnerships, marketing, sales and project finance assistance.
MBT Infra (India)
2012- 2013
Loan origination for organic agriculture and textiles (via sericulture) in Mozambique, working with small-hold farmers. Project development and packaging.
Asian Development Bank (Indonesia)
Consulting team lead for capacity building project in Southeast Asia (Indonesia ExIm Bank): Energy efficiency project finance and loan/performance guarantee and insurance product development.
Fulcrum Impact Capital / In3 Capital Partners
Public/private debt facility for construction-ready renewable resources projects in the W. Andean region of Latin America.  Proposal development and financial modeling.
Runa LLC (Ecuador)
Project and venture finance for novel nutraceutical / functional beverage product supply chain in Ecuador’s forests: business development, de-risking, and loan origination services.
IyeCare International
Preventable eye disease in emerging and underserved markets: business development, writing and capital formation.
Blume Distillation LLC
Business plan review, strategic fundraising advice, presentation coaching, website and presentation content consulting in advance of a successful capital campaign. Going concern.
Farmhouse Culture
Early stage investor. Consulting.  Going concern.  Now widely distributed via Costco, Whole Foods markets and elsewhere.  In3 took investment exit in 2012.
FreshPower LLC2009-2012
Business development, capital formation, strategic planning, project management.
Chemical Fabrics & Film Association
Consulting, strategic advise and education on how to shift product strategy toward bioplastics/biopolymers for favorable ratings by USGBC LEED. Annual meeting in Florida.
WISE Solutions, Inc.
2006 -2012
Business development & capital campaign for green chemistry product company. Raised more than $1 million in early stage rounds. Daniel Robin is a shareholder.  Going concern.
Whole Energy Fuels Corp
Capital campaign and strategic alliances. Going concern.
Prime Solar Pty Ltd (Australia)
Polysilicon photovoltaic device manufacturing in India and Germany — fundraising and strategic advice. Going concern.
Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping
1999, 2004
Business planning and debt finance. Going concern.
Matrix Management Consulting (Kuwait)
1993, 2003
Led negotiation skills workshops for Kuwaiti business people; managed project and mediation services to resolve dispute with Kuwaiti government on behalf of infrastructure projects (MEP), airport, roads, etc.
M3 Systems International
Funding and business development of M3ZrO Packaging systems. In3’s Daniel Robin serves on the board of directors.
Kalliste Tours
Marketing consulting, planning, and coaching for luxury European eco-tours in Corsica. Going concern.
Symantec Corporation
Consulting services and culture change. Going concern.
Harris MyCFO
2001, 2003
Business development, culture change, management training and coaching. Acquired.
RollTronics Corporation
Funding and coaching; contributed to funds raised during Series A round.
Architectural Photovoltaic Glass Corp
CIGS photovoltaic (licensed from NREL) and multijunction PV manufacturing, fundraising presentation and consulting.
Technology transfer from coating technology patent holders in Germany to EarthShell first-generation bioplastics (biodegradable) packaging, then based in Santa Barbara. IPO in 1998; acquired in 2006.
Threshold Enterprises, Source Naturals, Hewlett Packard, PG&E, and others

Corporate development, long-term culture change, collaborative leadership and facilitation skills training, performance management, financial incentive and productivity systems using Balanced Scorecard, leadership coaching. See Daniel Robin & Associates clients for details.

* CAP stands for Completion Assurance Program™ — see CAP overview.

Separate listing of complete consulting client history, courseware deliveries and testimonials, and presentations available upon request.