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CRE Case Studies & Testimonials

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CRE Case Studies & Testimonials

The following examples capture the major assets built to date in this sector. Some of the facts (such as the exact location) have been changed in order to maintain client confidentiality.

CRE: Housing, Hotels & Resorts via In3CAP

Regenerative Hospitality / Master-Planned Community — As modern travelers wish to have experiences rather than just buy more stuff, the eco-tourism industry represents an all-win situation for people/planet/profit.

  • Case Study 1: A dozen subprojects in this coastal area, along a ridge were organized into a master-planned community — like a small city — that took 5 years to fully permit. “Regenerative hospitality” is the cornerstone, an ecohotel built after restoration of the coastal wetlands with support from a private lender for the cash deposit, using “regenerative design” that includes and involves the local community. This large-scale project combines more traditional CRE (new hotels and condominiums) with the value-added benefit of eco-tourism, habitat restoration and coastal wetlands protection, massive job creation in this beautiful region (exact location confidential) of Latin America.
  • Case Study 2: A hotel developer working in Sri Lanka selected a well-established General Contractor to build the project, and asked this firm’s senior management if they might be willing to offer a direct Standby Letter of Credit (SLOC) to accelerate the project and ensure payment. 
    Upon accepting this proposal, which included a completion bonus to the EPC for on-time completion, the developer contacted In3 to ensure the bank was large enough, and itself creditworthy, and that the SLOC specimen language would be workable.
    Following a site visit by the underwriters, the EPC’s bank used their customer’s long-term asset account to block and send, via SWIFT MT-760, an SLOC equivalent to the amount of the project’s financing to In3’s partner bank in the USA. 
    This arrangement enabled expedited, guaranteed funding for the construction project, reliably delivered through In3Capital’s partners, at quite favorable terms for the developer. 
    The project was completed in less than 24 months, and the assets underlying the SLOC released.  The EPC received final payment, plus bonus, immediately after the hotel’s commissioning.
  • Case Study 3: A quite modern, 14-floor, mixed-use commercial office and retail center located in Commercial Business District of Kigali, Rwanda.  Typical tenants in this district are larger multinational corporations and development finance institutions such as World Bank Group. Although the developers had a complete business plan and financial model, consultants provided some of the core expertise, which would have stopped other investors from taking the project seriously.
    There were concerns about changing weather patterns affecting drainage and/or site stability, but this got resolved. Completion assured via a guarantee using assets pledged from prior projects, which secured the new funding. The parties used these assets as collateral to obtain a Standby Letter of Credit (SLOC) from their local bank. Following Central Bank clearances, the smaller issuing bank involved partners at European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) to strengthen the SLOC. EBRD involved a bank on their end to relay the MT-760 SWIFT with SLOC face value at 80% of the project’s financing, then hardcopy send to our family office’s bank to reach closing in 2023.
  • Sustainable Communities & Smart Cities — whatever manages to leave open space, access to nature, or for rainy areas that have overdrawn their aquifers, less pavement and better designs for watch catchment, handling of wastes, minimizing commute distances, access to transportation, etc.

    Green Buildings using sustainable alternatives to wood, such as timber bamboo (preserving wood for its nature-based carbon storage), or other carbon-capture and sequestering materials

    Affordable and resource efficient housing — worker housing, student housing, social housing. We have a long history of assisting companies with these three types of housing, plus several others, including senior housing, developing world housing using local materials, housing built with timber bamboo wall systems, bamboo-related panels, manufacturing of modular houses, and more.

    See Solving the Housing Crisis for an additional case study on new urban designs that include access to renewable energy, organic food, water and wastewater (greywater and sewer) management, and “smart” or walkable, mixed-use, multi-family, and special-purpose homes.

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