Monterey Bay, California
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Impact Infrastructure / Sustainability Expertise & Testimonials

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Impact Infrastructure / Sustainability Expertise & Testimonials

In business since 1996, In3 Capital Group has assisted diverse clients to achieve their goals across the following areas of expertise:

Waste-to-Value, especially tire pyrolysis, biomass-to-biochar, waste-to-energy, ammonia to green hydrogen and other resource recovery.

Renewable Energy (solar, wind, small hydro, geothermal generation, energy efficiency & management, or storage; see Waste-to-Value for fuels.
herd of cattle in daytime
Sustainable and “climate smart” Food Systems, including Regenerative, Organic, minimal tillage, Supply Chain innovations.

Commercial Real Estate, mainly green buildings, affordable and low-carbon housing, regenerative design, innovative building materials, smart cities & communities.

Case Studies & Testimonials — why this funding works well for all stakeholders

For mid-market project finance, CAP funding stand on the shoulders of client success, where those examples tell the stories that reveal patterns showing both consistent advantages as well as (in some case) hard lessons learned.

One of the virtues we hear about, sometimes after months or years of attempting other solutions, is that CAP funding creates more of a level playing field with more “democratic” and socially just access to capital. The capital marketplace is typically a bit of an echo chamber, where those with assets tend to dismiss any proposal that seems to not be “one of us” — culturally, sometimes perceived pedigree (wealth that puts self-preservation ahead of all else will invest in closely held “pet” projects but fear anything new or different), or simply the paradox of only wanting to work with those who really don’t need the money. This may sound ridiculous, but it is far too common, per so-called “bankability” standards and romancing “shovel-ready” (with zero risk) idealism.

With most of In3’s clients, they have run out of cash capital to co-invest further in their own project, or have modest prior “skin in the game” to appease more traditional funders that bankability standards are being met.

Sizable projects can get funded without any cash “skin in the game” from the developer’s side.

– Daniel Robin, In3 Capital founder & managing director

In practice, In3CAP and related solutions make a much wider swath of project developers investible, even though they usually do not meet traditional bankability standards (a strong balance sheet with minimum 3 years of audited financial statements and revenue history implying close to zero credit risk). Although we do put developers through rigorous screening (we have to filter out any mismatched proposals, and challenge anything that could indicate something is amiss), and the project developer must complete CAP-funded project construction and commissioning without fail — nobody gets to give up or walk away prior to reaching Commercial Operation Date (COD) — we have a long history of accommodating changing market conditions to match funding with extremely diverse clients to scale up the vital solutions that the world genuinely needs. See also sector-focused 2024 Report – Project Finance and the Great Race to 2030

Sector-Specific Success Stories — In3CAP advantages in renewables, food, climate, CRE-related and more

Workshops & Presentations

Daniel Robin led a workshop and presentation at Harvard University conference Climate Reckoning: Paths to an Earth Restored, on how impact-oriented and renewables-related venture and project finance recently caught strong tailwinds, pushing it into more mainstream circles in certain markets.

Videos of the conference presentations can be streamed for free. Watch Daniel Robin speak about restoration and regeneration, “Conservation, Restoration and Regeneration Economics

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