Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

In3 Agent & Affiliate Options

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

In3 Independent Offices with limited or expanded roles that get paid accordingly

Some of our most successful clients (project developers, owners, or financial sponsors) come to In3 via Registered In3 Affiliates (see link for a synopsis of the affiliate’s role and responsibilities), who have taken our MasterClass and meet certain conditions to authorize their In3 office.  This may be the perfect fee-sharing arrangement for your purposes, but there are a few options to consider, described below.  

We also work with direct requests for funding (no affiliate involved) and for both In3 Affiliates and direct inquiries, we will often make available our set of “smart” tools, such as for scoring and qualifying incoming leads (a fast, 10-minute Readiness Assessment called RAIN,*), numerous templates and guides, “how to” stepwise instruction materials, and helpful sample contracts, case studies and examples.  

Affiliates have the opportunity to gain depth, skill at presenting to their clients, handling objections, and greater perspective would be afforded otherwise.  This work has a built-in incentive to gain on-the-job experience through deals you bring, plus our MasterClass gives you practical advantages, thus you gain the upper hand on leading clients to success, so everyone gets paid. 

This is “praxis” — practical, action-oriented, on-the-job learning where all you need to succeed is laid at your feet. You may have the good fortune of a project that is easily qualified to receive funding, or it may take multiple deals and substantial practice.  Either way, if you “sign up” as a registered In3 Affiliate based on deals we can execute to mutual benefit that “subscription” increases your knowledge and keeps your skills in peak condition. 

Parties that introduce projects to In3 without screening, vetting or otherwise helping them to pre-qualify are paid far less than Affiliates.  

Our Project Registration tools use Zoho “Bigin” CRM and also provide initial scoring to help us coordinate our efforts.  You would indicate that you’re an In3 Registered Affiliate for each project you register.

Being an affiliate of In3 is similar to being a Joint Venture partnership, but without the legal burden that such formal partnerships entail.  We presently offer 3 levels of participation and fee-sharing

  1. Affiliate-at-Large:  more casual and restrictive in terms of how we do business together; for example, In3 would need to be in the loop on all communication with the client to ensure mutual understanding and verified agreements.  If this “intermediary” role is limited to making introductions, we would discuss fee-sharing on a case-by-case basis (typically 10% of In3’s fee, depending on who does what), in order to best serve the client’s interests.  
  2. Registered In3 Affiliate:  graduates of the MasterClass experience with several “deals under your belt,” who adhere to conduct standards, and work as an independent office, enjoy full compensation for each deal closed. 
  3. Master Affiliate:  this is closest to a JV partner, under contractual arrangements that provide a license to co-brand and/or use In3 materials and funding/services offer.  Master Affiliates get an In3 email address, website listing, CRM seat and business cards (if desired) and keys to the executive washroom (kidding). Once an Affiliate’s project receives funding they deserve the “Master” designation, equal (50/50) compensation and the aforementioned perks.  Some Master Affiliates also take on a leadership role within their practice area, which is open for discussion upon request.

* RAIN stands for “readiness and investment navigator”.  It is as much a tool for educating project developers/owners as a screening tool for us.