Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700


Inspire | Innovate | Invest

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.
-Anwar Sadat

Innovation is like falling off a log … you never know where you’ll land

We have been assisting entrepreneurs with applying their innovations since 1996 — first via commercializing new forms of sustainable technologies, then through innovative venture finance structures such as top-line income contracts, more recently via innovative business models in emerging markets, and since 2016, a radically innovative approach to impact project finance that solves several frustrating industry problems, called Completion Assurance Program™ or CAP.

Based on this practical experience, In3 Group’s senior partner, Daniel Robin, has taught workshops and assisted groups with innovation within hundreds of companies, at a private university since 2005, part of an international MBA program, and coached entrepreneurs and executives for more than two decades.  The coursework and consulting services offered here and at Daniel Robin & Associates can be readily adapted and applied bespoke to your situation.  Let’s discuss what you are looking for.

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