Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700


Inspire | Innovate | Invest

It’s not too late at all. You just don’t yet know what you are capable of.
– Mahatma Gandhi

It all starts with the spark of inspiration

What inspires you? Living your purpose?  Making money while doing good for the planet and society?  Powerful, real world solution, examples of success and results that serve as business models to emulate?  Something else entirely?  What?  And why that?

Other sources of inspiration may include decoding nature’s designs (bio-inspiration), aesthetically beautiful and functionally elegant (formerly known as simple), innovation that truly solves pressing issues and gains substantial market share.  Another source of inspiration, especially lately:  us.  Visionary leaders and passion-fed but socially aware entrepreneurs often bring out the best in others.  In other words, each of us has the potential to be an inspiration to others.

For most of us, the ability to manifest a vision and reach our goals is inspiration enough.

We offer a set of tools to do your best and most inspired work, to help “juice your portfolio” into practical action, and to gain access to resources you didn’t even know you had.  In short, with the right tools at your disposal, your greatest wish for the future can and will come true before your eyes.

Using a combination of coaching, facilitation and consulting, we offer two main tools:
1. Dream-Plan-Realize
2. Manifesting Vision Timeline

1. The Dream-Plan-Realize model has been successfully used by thousands of individuals and companies who have green or sustainable technology visions they want to make real. In order to get past the barriers to innovation (see related article), entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs must get the support they need so that the nascent approach can take on a life of its own. The tools for bringing an innovation into form — and picking the right innovation for the present circumstances in the first place — are a custom fit. We at In3 Group have the experience to guide development work no matter the stage, from just a revolutionary twinkle in the eye to senior executives looking to find creative exits to prior investments.

2.  Manifesting Vision Timeline.  A powerful, proven tool for planning, including the transformative method of backcasting, “Manifesting Vision” is all about bringing together your best ideas with resources to make them real. Also based on the field of neuroscience, the process uses a physicalized timeline to help bring impressions, thoughts, and feelings down to earth in a useable form. For more information, ask us.

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