Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700


Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Place Your Bets, Take Your Chances

We all invest or time, effort, energy — more like “social” capital — and sometimes even financial capital, otherwise known as money. 

How we invest says a lot about our personality and hopes for the future.  Do you keep your money and other resources under lock and key or like to speculate?  In other words …

  1. What is your tolerance for risk?    Been to Las Vegas recently?
  2. What are your expectations for returns?  
  3. Have you already invested too much, too little, or just the right amount in your own career, key relationships, team development, business opportunities? 
  4. How will you measure, monitor and modify these allocations over time … and keep them current? How often do you re-assess?

We’re less interested in what’s popular, but “voting” through our purchase decisions is what determines the winners and losers in our economy.  So, too, does your choice of vendors, supply chains, partner and service providers, we realize.  Accordingly, we aspire to be on your short list when seeking services or the funding we can deliver, including making meaning out of your investments, present and future.

At In3, we regularly evaluate what sectors reflect gaps in the continuum of financial capital (which ones are “underinvested”), which ones just need a nudge in the right direction (the rising tide), and which are already over the hump, perhaps even in decline.  Timing is key to most successful investing, including that which aims to have a positive social and/or environmental impact. 

Success Tips for Obtaining Project Finance

Flagship Project Finance Program FAQ — In3’s “Capital Guarantee Program” (or see all FAQs)

Invest Your Values to Profit with Meaning

How do you allocate the various forms of capital?  Does that align with and reflect your true values — that is, what you care about, consider important and want to see flourishing?  Similar early incarnations of “SRI” (no longer as popular, but decades ago this Socially Responsible Investing included a “negative screen” to make sure investors kept the bad actors out of their portfolio, especially tobacco and weapons), but most would agree that Impact Investing and Corporate Social Responsibility have taken center stage.

How do we “walk the talk”?  We listen intently.  We keep learning.  We constantly grow, streamline and simplifying access to funding and we build our Affiliate office partnerships.  In3’s current products and programs explain what we see as the future, which constantly evolves. In the present “snapshot” we are focused mostly on impact projects via in-house capital partners that offer the fastest, most reliable approach to our leadership’s priorities of climate change mitigation as well as other pressing needs.  If we wanted to just make money, we would do what everyone else is doing to make money — play the stock market (public equities, bonds and commodity futures), plus whatever “private” companies you happen to believe have a future. 

But money for the sake of it seems less meaningful, so we seek the “alternative” investments sector, namely private equities, private debt, and convertible instruments, mainly as project or venture capital.  What are you investing in?  Contact Us with questions or feedback.