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New Client Resource Center

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New Client Resource Center

Welcome to the In3 Capital Group new client support page. Here we provide options for engaging with us as well as the latest information on In3 funding programs, service availability, tools and other resources.

Key to the capital kingdom

Explore Your Options

If you already know In3CAP funding is what you prefer (why it might be), visit the CAP resources page.  Or browse our a la carte GUIDES.

Otherwise, if you are raising capital for a mid-market projects in one of these sectors, seeking In3’s in-house capital, we have multiple options available, each described below.

If you’re not yet sure if you have a feasible business, or want help with co-development, ask us and we’ll sort that out.

Financial feasibility is the first consideration — how you know the market and your project will achieve projected sales (net income) greater than net costs year-on-year?  We can provide the analysis to determine your project’s potential for success by delving into what matters, avoiding the time and expense of formal feasibility studies.

This feasibility arena is the one thing In3CAP has in common with other sources of funding — reasonably low or no commercial risk, such as through customer “offtake” arrangements. Until that is achieved through rigorous financial modeling, with transparent assumptions, you have work to do.

You might want to work with your existing team members, or recruit new partners, sponsors, or advisors, in order to demonstrate this.  We’re just offering to involve In3’s team on a more focused fee-for-service basis, as CAP funding is extremely flexible in other areas, but you first need to know for your own sake that your project is financially feasible. A few orientation questions to make sure we are speaking the same language:
  1. Are you seeking to fund a project, not a venture?  What’s the difference?
  2. What if your project isn’t entirely “shovel ready” (or “ready to build”)? 
    • Our flagship funding does not require this, as we can cover the costs of any remaining development steps — we are not concerned about the team’s ability to deliver the project thanks to our focus on completion assurance.  Case Study example in renewables
    • What you might want to know about In3’s Project Development Assistance
  3. What is Impact Capital and why do we focus on it?

We can finance projects of $25 million or more so long as these funds are used to build and commission the project to begin operations (defined as “Commercial Operation Date” or COD).  The two easiest options for this is to bring a cash deposit of 25% or more (so, minimum $6.25 million deposit may require a bridge lender sourced from your side if those resources are not within reach), or a non-cash Completion Assurance Guarantee (CAG) as the more common way of satisfying our Security Requirements.

The preferred route to funding — with clear advantages of speed, usually better terms (including zero up-front fees) and radically improved funding certainty — is In3’s flagship CAP with this security option.

This Completion Assurance Program™ (CAP synopsis), involving a partial financial guarantee or cash deposit, is for projects, portfolios or pipelines of projects (how project funding differs from venture capital) with budgets of $25 million or more, $35-40 million preferred. In effect, we guarantee all the required funding at favorable terms when you or a third-party guarantee that the project will get finished.

This program’s sharp differences become your advantage working with projects at any stage of readiness, improving your odds of closing on a flexible finance facility offering up to 100% of the required funding, mainly as minority equity carried interest without majority control. This we will call Plan A:

    • Plan B: For highly profitable projects of $25 million or more, bypass the need for a completion assurance guarantee but be prepared to pay a cash down payment and higher rates of interest for up to 100% debt (higher net profitability is needed to adequately cover 6-12% APR senior debt). Unlike CAP, this funding does not require, nor can it use, an asset-based financial guarantee for qualifying projects. The standards of readiness and risk mitigation are much more stringent, timeframes to funding are longer, and there are nonetheless security deposits or substantial upfront costs involved, paid to the lender, not paid to In3. The biggest difference between these lenders and CAP funding is that the lenders follow more traditional underwriting guidelines, making it appropriate for projects that are quite thoroughly documented, with substantial prior investment by the developers/owners (“skin in the game”) and are thus prepared with nominal risks and strong financial fundamentals. Minimum IRRs vary by industry. Current loan programs are summarized here. Translation: When possible, stick with Plan A and the certainty of CAP’s proven process.  Confused by CAP funding? Ask for assistance.
    • Plan C: Obtain more personalized support and assistance for your unique situation via an In3 Management Services Agreement (MSA). Tailored to your needs, we collaborate to define the Scope of Work (SOW) and align incentives such that we only succeed when you achieve your goals, so if you have a feasible business proposal and are open to partnering toward mutual benefit, we will always listen. More

Whether or not your project is shovel-ready or requires additional development work, collaborate with In3 to take advantage of our nearly three decades of successful client engagements (see client history or Case Studies & Testimonials), or hire us or an In3 Affiliate to determine your scope-of-work, which would either help determine the optimal path to funding or validate and strengthen the strategy already selected. Developing the most advantageous funding options, we then bring in the right resources or partners to see it through.

Bottom line: the first target for Plan B or C is to deliver an investible package.  Find out of your project’s file is sufficiently polished (“bankable”) for direct submission as is here.  Plan A’s CAP funding makes a much wider swath of project files predictably investible, whether or not bankable.

Why stick with Plan A? It delivers sharp advantages over ordinary project finance, but you might not have the patience to secure a financial guarantee.  Instead, consider a cash deposit (25% or more) from a “creative” strategy like selling tax credits (if applicable), using a bridge lender, or private lender as an onramp to CAP funding. Or combine CAP with senior debt in the capital stack, an approach we call Program 3, which synergies between each form of capital. Why? Completion Assurance Program’s guarantee or cash deposit accelerates funding delivery cycles, improves terms and certainty.  You can trust this proven process to deliver a binding offer within 2-4 weeks, once pre-qualified, owing to streamlined due diligence (we focus mostly on fundamentals, not on putting every conceivable risk factor under a microscope), with a host of advantages compared to traditional project finance. For your further consideration:

Learning (or unlearning) must come before deciding

How to obtain a sponsor/backer to bring in your completion assurance guarantee (if needed)

Note that performance/completion guarantees are financial instruments used for completion assurance only, which is different than a completion bond or other forms of insurance

CAP funding is not suitable for every situation (mostly it is for new project construction), but we offer this US family office funding at almost any stage of development — complete shovel-readiness is not required. This notion of “shovel” ready” status is quite subjective — not at all a well-defined or universal concept.

Here’s a “roadmap” to help you decide if In3 CAP is right for your situation:

Related: more about What We Do, REGISTER your project, or how to Get Started with CAP funding.