Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

OPIC Selects In3 Finance group of Daniel Robin & Associates as Originators

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

OPIC Selects In3 Finance group of Daniel Robin & Associates as Originators

Contact:  Daniel Robin                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Tel: +1.831-761-0700


WASHINGTON, D.C. –The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) has selected the In3 Finance™ group of Daniel Robin & Associates, a business development consulting and investment firm, to serve as an Originator for a growing alliance with the private sector designed to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) expanding into emerging markets overseas. In3 Finance specializes in renewable resources, health products, agriculture, and sustainability-related projects.

The alliance, the Enterprise Development Network (EDN), is expanding the ability of OPIC – the U.S. government agency charged with facilitating U.S. private sector investment in emerging markets – to provide financing to SMEs doing business in developing countries.

Through the support of financial institutions, business consultants, associations, law firms and regional investment promotion agencies, EDN is designed to enhance SME access to OPIC products and services. By empowering such service providers, the network is resulting in more efficient, cost-effective delivery of services to American businesses.

In3 has been providing impact investment and financial advisory services since 1996.  The main objective of the In3 Finance group is to provide easier access to capital for renewables, clean technology and sustainability-related projects in developing economies.  Based in the Monterey Bay Area of California, the firm offers a wide range of services to SMEs including fundraising, financial analysis, market and competitive analyses, transaction de-risking, strategy consulting and coaching, and business planning and structuring. Visit the In3 Finance group on the web at 

OPIC is the U.S. Government’s development finance institution.  It mobilizes private capital to help solve critical world challenges and in doing so, advances U.S. foreign policy.  Because OPIC works with the U.S. private sector, it helps U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging markets catalyzing revenues, jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad.  OPIC achieves its mission by providing investors with financing, guarantees, political risk insurance, and support for private equity investment funds. 

Established as an agency of the U.S. Government in 1971, OPIC operates on a self-sustaining basis at no net cost to American taxpayers. OPIC services are available for new and expanding business enterprises in more than 150 countries worldwide. To date, OPIC projects have generated $74 billion in U.S. exports and supported more than 275,000 American jobs. 

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