Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

Our Sweet Spot

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Capital for Impact & Sustainability

In3 Capital preferentially supports mid-market projects with $25 million or more required funding, and promising ventures that have a positive social and/or environmental impact, working in underserved and under-represented emerging markets and developing economies, as well as the developed world (including the US and Canada, Western Europe, etc.), and with teams that have established customers for their solution(s).

Qualified Industry Examples:  Renewables/cleantech and “Climate Finance” (more on this), infrastructure (like electric grid expansion, medical facilities, water, sustainable food systems), waste-to-value, and “green”/affordable housing/real estate, certain manufacturing (e.g., solar panels not sugary soft drinks), or other new construction.  All sectorsGlossary of terms

Unsure?  Ask us.  For project funding, start with this simple pre-application form.

Key for us (managers, co-developers, and capital partners) are the measurable social/environmental/economic benefits that can be obtained through realization of funding, and the potential for scale via completing pipelines of mid-market projects.

Purpose & Mission

We help our clients and their partners to “profit with meaning.”

Our underlying purpose is solving the pressing problems of modern society — health and wealth (or lack thereof), climate change mitigation, and affluence without effluence — where “effluence” is all kinds of waste, including wasted time and energy.

We assist with raising “affinity capital” — where you probably share core values and beliefs with investment partners.  Mission-aligned investing has taken on the name Impact Investing, itself a rapidly-growing field since 2020.  COVID appears to have accelerated, not delayed, asset allocations across diverse sectors, including regenerative community development, food to forests, water, housing, and energy security, healthcare, resource recovery and resource management.

We see solutions where others get fixated (stuck, dug in, focused) on what is wrong with the world.  They see injustice, which there certainly is, while we abide in a vision of peace and prosperity, energy/food/water/housing security for all, spreading the good work of our clients to create a cleaner, better, healthier future.

Our Investment Strategy is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Does your specific project qualify? We offer several pathways, including priority access to investment funds for mid-market Start with these simple steps to advantageous In3CAP funding -- 100% of the total required, as an equity partnership!renewables-related projects, which includes these four main areas — renewable energy (generation, management, storage), waste-to-value, sustainable food (includes water, regenerative, organic, Supply Chain innovations such as inputs or processing methods), and “green” real estate — but we can finance any project that delivers social and/or environmental impacts alongside financial returns.

Looking for expedited project financing at the most favorable terms available in the marketplace?  Check out our Capital Guarantee Program. See “How to qualify?

Seeking venture capital or trade finance?  See Types of capital or Venture Fundraising Services.  Energy Efficiency & Management Services?  Go here.

See also, overview of all Services or Contact Us with questions or requests for further information.