Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

Business Planning Assistance

Business Planning Assistance

Business Plans and Financial Modeling per investor expectations, risk analysis and mitigation, packaging and presentation assistance, fundraising strategy and structuring.


What sort of Strategic Advisory services do we offer?  Comprehensive … a one-stop-shop for impact projects, ventures, and other private capital needs.  What do you need, exactly?  Are you already clear about this or is that part of what you want In3 to help you figure out — a review of the package of materials and its odds of success at securing funding?

In business since 1996, In3 principals probably have the depth to handle your situation.  If your situation is outside our expertise, we’ll say so immediately. We’ve delivered project and venture development, fundraising strategy, funding, business planning (includes financial modeling and all essential facets of capital formation), from testing/validating fundamental feasibility to business plan critiques, financial modeling and financial model reviews, and assistance with understanding and satisfying investor requirements for securing the best-available terms as quickly as possible.  Menu of services

Such “management services” usually means we would charge a fee for the value we deliver prior to securing outside capital, if fundraising is your current goal. This follows the principle of “shared risk, shared reward.”  These goal-oriented advisory services are usually arranged as a package within a tightly-defined scope of work (see 1-page roadmap for fundraising), developed together, through discussion.

A “Done For You” (DFY) fee-for-service offer differs from using In3’s flagship Completion Assurance Program (CAP Funding) as Do It Yourself (DIY), where you would originate the package and provide evidence of a suitable guarantee.  With such a guarantee, we can be reasonably certain a binding offer will be made (via termsheet or contracts), for which we do not charge any initial fees.  Projects that are not well-documented may require additional work to uphold accounting standards (IFRS or GAAP) or to summarize key points that are required for vetting and acceptance following due diligence.  We can discuss who will do what and may not need to ask for management fees ahead of first draw of funding.

How do you know if your proposal for funding is going to be accepted?  There is a sharp difference between a coherent story, one that seems like it should be true, versus one that holds together by factual evidence to support the base case of business feasibility.

“The challenge is that subjective confidence is determined by the coherence of the story one has constructed, not by the quality and amount of the information that supports it.”

– Daniel Kahneman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics

How do you know which is which — satisfying storytelling versus persuasive evidence that things will work out roughly as planned?  Claims must be substantiated.  Otherwise, although it might sound and look good on paper, the story can unravel when expectations lead to questions that cannot be satisfactorily answered. 
No package is ever perfect, of course, but a third-party observer is more likely to have perspective and maintain it throughout the analysis. Starting and finishing a review with a good dose of objectivity can prove invaluable.  In3’s input can vary widely, from a full review and audit of financial forecasts (critical path analysis or “stress testing”) to polishing the teaser and key facts presented for gaining investor interest.  In3 also offers paid hourly assistance for tricky situations that require “bespoke” (individualized) attention, with “a la carte” consulting and coaching services that offer an easy way for you and your team to gain hard-won, practical knowledge to reach your goals.
Schedule a brief (15-20 min) intro “audition” with founder and managing partner Daniel Robin here.
Schedule a paid 55-minute one-on-one or team strategy session here
Or Contact Us to ask questions, or call +1.831-761-0700 Ext 1 to request assistance.