Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

Financial Guarantee & Strategic Advisory

Financial Guarantee & Strategic Advisory

Management Services tuned to your situation help navigate and decide on the best options for “bespoke” (customized) project finance, venture finance, guarantees, security deposits to improve terms … whether individual projects, pre-committed (where guarantors pledge in advance for a series of back-to-back guarantees) or across a portfolio of projects.


If you have one or more projects that qualify for CAP funding, but have questions about the guarantee side, we have two tiers of service available:

  1. Guarantee Advisory picks up where “Doing It Yourself” (DIY) leaves off, allowing for a deeper dive into the bespoke requirements of your project or portfolio’s funding, and what guarantee (type, source, coverage), or cash deposit, or loan, or some combination of these, is best suited to help you achieve this.
  2. Done For You (DFY) guarantees are reserved for top client projects and portfolios, where In3 carefully audits and collaborates with clients to improve the file (package of materials), presentation, or recommends changes, to increase the odds of success.

Fundraising success depends on many factors, not the least of which is you, and your ability to present yourself in a way that impatient gatekeepers consider both you and the opportunity credible.  Or, you can depersonalize it and rely more heavily on your documentation and “bona fides” (good faith).  Either way, we know the terms & conditions for partner sources, so an exchange of information and strategy session or two will help sort out next steps.  Ask for our sample engagement letter to define Scope of Work and move forward more quickly.


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