Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

In3 Customer Service options

In3 Customer Service options

Access to In3 Service Options for any of

  1. Assistance with obtaining a project finance Completion Assurance Guarantee (more about this Premium Service)
  2. Support with applying for funding, done for you (DFY), as required or requested, from A-Z (see below)
  3. Meetings requested to assist with arranging funding prior to taking the proscribed pre-qualification steps (more).

We can assist with any of these added service options under a Management Services Agreement (MSA), a type of “joint venturing” designed to share both risks and rewards.  Ask for a quotation


Clarifying how to engage with In3 premium service options

We offer basic coaching to pre-qualify for funding without charge.  To be specific, we do not charge up-front fees for access to funding through our flagship Completion Assurance Program (CAP), nor for determining the feasibility of any other funding we offer.  All the tools and resources you could possibly need — and probably a few more, clients have reported — are available here, online, well organized, thoroughly and precisely documented, making a self-guided tour yours for the taking.  This is part of our mission to democratize mid-market project funding, making access “faster, easier and better.”

It may take some patience and persistence on your part, but we don’t hold back … in fact, we pride ourselves on making the information and required tools more accessible, understandable and thus equitable to diverse project developers, without prejudice or bias, no matter where you are based, no matter what stage of project readiness for investment.  We are open to receiving your pre-application and project files to conduct vetting (pre-due diligence) and offer recommendations.

Premium Services cut to the chase

Some developers, we have noticed, do not like to read detailed explanations, or just aren’t “do-it-yourselfer” (DIY) personality types, and thus prefer next-level support and personalized attention to accelerate and make funding a reality without having to guess or interpret for themselves how or if they will succeed. If that’s you, no problem.  For that “done-for-you” (DFY) add-on service level, we would have to charge something (or refer you to an In3 Affiliate, who will probably also suggest a fee and/or a JV-like arrangement) paid ahead of securing first draw(s) of project funding.

There are cash deposits required for our alternative, non-CAP funding programs. Most of In3’s fees result from shared success, so we still have the lion’s share due to us, based on mutual performance (we do our part by helping coach or guide toward success, but you still have to implement these best practices, and execute properly), as an incentive to get it right.

Why would we, for these premium services, have to charge something, even if modest, ahead of closing?  Because this “bespoke” level of service (our investment of time/effort/attention) is above-and-beyond, and the extra attention allocated to your situation, ahead of pre-qualification, represents a risk to us.  That means, simply, a lot of time and attention (beyond our customary facilitation and coaching) goes in, and if you are successful, great, we all win, but if not, we come away empty handed.  Should we have to pay for your non-performance when we guarantee ours?

We deliver value within a tight scope-of-work, and will have put in (on average) seven times more upfront effort compared to clients that self-qualify and deliver an investible or financeable package without our premium services. That value deserves compensation in “real time” as it benefits you and your future prospects for funding, but would otherwise not necessarily benefit us. We don’t work for free in a blind alley.  We do not speculate or invest in projects and teams we don’t know.  Make sense?

Further, our pre-application process was designed to yield a quick yes/no, solving that and other notorious issues in securing funding for deserving projects. That step is fast and without obligation or much effort on your part, so you have literally nothing to lose!

That said, the “universe” of impact project finance is not for everyone. There is a lot to know and always a lot to learn (see how many of the terms on this glossary are familiar?).  Some practitioners have spent decades learning how to avoid the pitfalls and have scars on their back from doing so.  By now, so-called experts have made most if not all of the “big mistakes” so you don’t have to (handy checklist of the most common to avoid here).  And thus, unless you are one of “those people” who has already learned the hard way how to secure money without fail, would you be open to sharing the risks and rewards of involving professionals that know this territory?  If you simply don’t have the funds to hire anybody else, we recommend that you first recruit team members that can round out your offering, add capabilities, and get further with fundraising (via CAP or otherwise) than you could on your own?

Should you hire In3?  There are, no doubt. thousands of quite competent consultants, investment bankers, accountants, lawyers, etc., in this space (some of whom are trained in our systems, and registered with as Affiliates who can usually get things done without much fuss), so please do whatever serves you best. Just pick a company or person you can trust to do the job properly. Unfortunately, because project finance itself can be so nuanced and tricky, there are a lot of so-called professionals that will take your money but not deliver.  Be careful!

The “big rocks” of your investible package, ironically, are more about risk than reward.  We can help de-risk any file, and that process alone (with or without a completion assurance guarantee) is quite valuable, often the ticket to success.

Quality matters … as if your (project’s) life depends on it.  You wouldn’t ask a brain surgeon to apply their craft without paying them, would you?  You’d want to know that you’d picked one of the top professionals available.  Well, mid-market project finance has a similar “high stakes” overlay, although obviously not fatal to life and limb, there’s nonetheless a lot riding on access to funding, so get advice from those that have proven they get consistent results, as your choices can make the difference between whether a project becomes reality or ends up on the cutting room floor.

Note that our initial support does NOT include a personalized step-by-step walkthrough or “live” explanation of how to complete your full application for funding. It also does not need to include coming to a conference call where you explain your project plan, technology, team or how much money there is to be made.  That’s all fine and good, but in no way relevant to both of us early on (so we can be sure to focus on what will make the difference), as we have rather clear and simple steps you can take to qualify for funding.

Further, we simply will not take the time to read a long, detailed business plan for the project or company you want to build.  Actually, practically nobody will.  Your full plan is for you and your team to know what you’re doing, and to have a way to benchmark your own performance.  Even formal investor due diligence isn’t going to read the business plan — spot checks, at best.

Thus, if you simply wish to make the ask (submit your proposal), your best approach is to take a quick look at How to Qualify and then put together a summary of the requested information, starting with the total budget, Sources & Uses Statement, market information to demonstrate low commercial risk, and nothing else.  That saves time and effort, and shows that you respect conditions and understand the investor’s expressed “sweet spot” (investment thesis or similar).  Once provided, then (and only then) can we indicate if we think we can fund it ourselves or make an informed recommendation.

Asking “Can you fund this?” with a presentation of a business plan or fluffy (even if impressive-looking) teaser, but without delivering essential facts, is disrespectful — it shows you are shopping around or not paying attention (not listening) to fundamentals and perhaps inaccurately setting up a risk for the other party that casts a shadow on whether or not you can perform in other areas as well.  That’s simply not how impact investors work, nor with CAP funding or any of our other funding options.

If you are unsure of where to start, it may be best to hire someone (perhaps one of In3’s registered Affiliates) to help. Our team is available if you require more personalized assistance, but to guide you through each step of qualification and application for funds is usually a premium service.

Either way, please jot down whatever specific questions do you have after reading these online materials.

Further note that, to be clear, we will not agree to meet in person or even via video conference call until we have at least part of the picture about why such a meeting would be necessary (minimally, the type of project, location, budget, Uses of Funds and draw schedule).  We get a lot of meeting requests from people we do not know, with projects that may or may not qualify.  If we accepted such meetings without first defining a clear agenda and rationale (since our information online has proven more-than-adequate to access funding) then we would have time for very little else.  We are happy to serve, and proud of our many years of customer service, but please do your part.  Read up, then ask for help.

If seeking CAP Funding, check out our curated guides, tools and templates, FAQs, or Start Here