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Renewable Energy Projects Funded — Case Studies & Testimonials

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Renewable Energy Projects Funded — Case Studies & Testimonials

In3’s capital partners have completed Energy Projects in Mexico, Africa, and developing Asia via direct Sovereign Guarantees (SG) as public-private partnerships, or Bank Guarantees (BGs) arranged with the involved EPCM, hired to build the respective projects.

Funding In3 arranged through the InterAmerican Development Bank’s IIC, including some as Technical Assistance grants, backed other renewables projects located elsewhere in Latin America.

More than 1.2 GW (1,200 MW) of commercial, utility-scale solar and wind projects have been built in the United States to date.

Patterns of Success with Portfolio In3 clients

CAP funding has a sharp advantage for renewables projects in most markets because we can fund pre-NTP or pre-RTB — ahead of readiness to begin construction. That CAP funding underwriting is “readiness-stage agnostic” bodes well for clients in certain markets, as often the red tape and convoluted policies get in the way of securing funding. Sometimes labyrinthine policies bring progress to a halt.

Past clients have reported the “unblocked logjam” effect — with funding available at a relatively early stage to see projects through, even in places that are notorious for tying everyone into a knot.

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