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July 7th “Renewables on the Rise” — Bay Area Venture Showcase

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

July 7th “Renewables on the Rise” — Bay Area Venture Showcase

7 July 2016 in San Francisco Bay Area:

Renewables on the Rise

Venture Showcase

The second Impact Innovation Investor Forum (I3F) in the series will focus on three rising stars using renewables for producing high-performance biomaterials (bioplastics), “upcycling” waste, and innovative FinTech for renewable energy project finance.

See below for the presenting company profiles or contact us to propose a presentation, sponsorship or other collaboration.

WHO ATTENDS: previous_events

Investors, Asset Managers, Investment Bankers, Registered Representatives
CleanTech Innovators & Impact Entrepreneurs
Gatekeepers, Risk Managers, Advisors
MRF (Materials Recovery Facilities) owner/operators
Food Processors | Plastics Compounders
Professional Services providers, consultants, educators, financial intermediaries

WHERE:   UCSC Silicon Valley Extension, Santa Clara, CA  (map)*

Pre-REGISTRATION recommended.  Space is limited.
(Please Email or call 888-222-4733 with guest name(s), company, and title(s).  There is no cost.)

Company & Speaker Profiles

1) Heidi Kujawa, CEO of ByFusion PBC (Public Benefit Corp). Speaker

“Trash Talk” — BYFUSION is a 100% modular technology platform that converts all types of waste plastic into an alternative building materials that contributes to USGBC LEED certification.

Heidi is a senior executive with the ability to think big, build loyal teams, results and the know-how to avoid costly mistakes. Her extensive experience establishing, transforming and leading key functional areas in large corporations has enabled her success across multiple startup ventures in real estate and technology. She is passionate about mission-driven companies which care for people and protecting the planet.

About ByFusion:  Website | TeamTwitter

2) Ian DeWeerdt, CFO at Full Cycle Bioplastics & Managing Director at Fifth Season Ventures.  Ian DeWeerdtSpeaker LinkedIn

Full Cycle Bioplastics provides food/agriculture producers and waste haulers with zero-waste solutions to convert unwanted organic material into revenue generating, fully compostablePHA bioplastic while significantly reducing operational costs. We help our partners turn waste streams into revenue and to distinguish their respective organizations as industry leaders in environmentally responsible innovation.

Ian also serves as Managing Director of Fifth Season Ventures, a private equity investment firm focused on the renewables space.  FSV is an environmental impact, seed and early-round VC firm within several thematic areas:  Green Chemistry, including Biomass to Materials & Chemicals; Equipment Sharing & Pooling, Low-impact Logistics & Supply Chain; Sustainable Agriculture; Waste Diversion & Valorization; Water Purity & Reclamation; Alternative Energy Generation & Storage.

About FCB:  Website | Team

3) Wayne Van Dyck, CEO of RePower Capital.   Speaker LinkedIn profile.

RePower Capital is a financing platform and transaction engine that matches middle-market ($3M-$100M or more) “vetted” renewable energy projects – WITH – equity, tax and debt investors, and collects success fees.  Last year this market segment totaled $140 billion and is currently un-served by investment bankers because of their high transaction costs.  This revolutionary and disruptive platform reduces financing costs by 90% and accelerates the process.  Over $40 billion of investable capital is already on the platform.

Wayne began his career as a Wall Street investment banker, venture capitalist and turn-around specialist with Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette (DLJ). Seeing the energy crisis coming in the 80’s, he founded and was CEO of Windfarms Ltd., which was backed by Chevron. There he built a team of 60 professionals who assembled over 2,000MW of utility wind energy projects. When government tax policy changed and oil prices collapsed he started companies in international telecommunications, software and Internet technologies. In 2012 he formed RePower Capital to revolutionize clean energy project financing. Wayne is married, is an avid sailor and lives on a houseboat on San Francisco Bay.

About RPC:  Website | Team

More about the “Renewables” space:

  • U.S. waste generation per capita is now 4.5 lbs/day, nearly double 1960 levels.  Over 60% of waste still goes directly into landfills
  • Many Renewable Energy solutions and related “clean” technologies are out of R&D and long since commercially proven.  Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) and others predict this space will become at least $1.2 trillion by 2020.
  • There are many more companies deserving investment than ever.  There is more capital “parked” seeking high quality deals, though most of it prefers $50M-$2B transactions.  I3F bridges this gap.

Co-hosted by Renewable Energy Investor Forum and In3 Group.


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