Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

Sector: Renewables Finance — Priority Access to Affordable Capital

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Renewables Infrastructure & Climate Finance

PV in grass field

$15M-$500M or more for qualified renewables projects*

The continued growth of renewable energy technologies not only supports the sustainability of our planet, but also represents one of the greatest business opportunities of our time.  With the sector expected to attract US$20 trillion over the next two decades, our experience, developed over 25 years, can create a competitive advantage for you as you develop, and we advise and/or finance your renewables projects.  We co-founded Renewables Investor Forum back in 2002 with this single-minded purpose:  build a community that enables access to capital and other resources so developers can fund, construct, scale and/or operate renewables projects.  In addition, we have helped developers commercialize new clean technologies, another “big” opportunity worthy of attention.

In3 puts the power of private capital to work for your business.  We provide radically efficient access to mid-market, “alternative” (non-traditional) lenders and equity partners, guarantors, and specialized technical assistance to accelerate renewable resource-related project finance.  We use commercial banks only for issuing, relaying (confirming) or endorsing financial guarantees.  We’re entrepreneurs, not bankers.  We believe the circular economy is the way to go.

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Which exact sectors?  See below for more than 30 identified industries that comprise our specialty and for which partner funding is available under our Completion Assurance [Guarantee] Program™.  CAP funding can be used to fast-track capital formation via a streamlined approach that includes pre-qualification (testing feasibility without wading into the deep end of full vetting and diligence) for highly favorable investment terms — probably the best available anywhere!

PageLines- Fotolia_7406522_XS.jpgWhat kinds of renewables projects can we finance?  We can help fund new (greenfield) projects as well as established projects seeking expansion, relocation, renovation, or refurbishments.  Even certain types of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), such as buyouts and rollups, can be qualified via non-CAP funding partners.

CAP funding works for companies in both the US and overseas; projects based in the US and Canada can obtain and use a bank-involved guarantee (such as a Standby Letter of Credit or Bank-endorsed commercial Promissory Note), while with some developing countries and emerging markets, seeking sponsorship for projects that benefit the host country via a Sovereign Guarantee. What’s a “completion assurance” guarantee, compared to a “loan guarantee” or “completion bond”?

Our goal is to facilitate massive investments in a low-carbon or carbon-negative, efficient, resilient and thriving economy. Some see this type of “climate finance” as a powerful engine for building a stronger, more sustainable economy that tends to make everyone’s lives better.  Working together more cooperatively than competitively, we firmly believe, will also enable us to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

Our investment strategy also ensures a cleaner, healthier social strata and natural/built environment delivering better economic performance overall.  Why is zero waste, more regenerative/sustainable food systems, renewable energy, cleaner/greener and more “circular” recourses (nutrients, water, healthy soil, cleaner air) ultimately pay dividends?  Because of lower healthcare costs, better managed and more efficient resources (avoids bumping into the limits or constraints in natural systems, so supply is never an issue like it will be some day with fossil resources), and coincidentally, better managed companies, better jobs, better behaved employers and better workplaces all go together. Note that we can still assist with other sectors, but we have particular depth in these renewables-related, socially- and environmentally responsible industries.

All Qualified Industry sectors

Additional sectors we can help finance:

  1. Transportation — Electric Vehicles, Railways, Charging Stations, etc
  2. Ecological/Green/Resource-Efficient and/or Affordable Housing
  3. Combinations of these or others.

Is your sector not listed?  Contact us to discuss.

How does it work?

We’ve learned a few things since we began this work back in 1996!  New Clients can discover how to best gain access to capital in our Resource Center.  Or skip to the Six Essentials to Qualify for CGP renewables project funding. Other services — project development or advisory/coaching — are listed at the bottom of this page.

Our main industry experience is with small- to mid-scale hydroelectricity, wind, solar, biomass/municipal waste conversion, advanced/low-carbon biofuels, storage, tidal, wave and energy efficiency.  In recent years we have also added wastewater management, bioremediation, and technology platforms including waste-to-value using pyrolysis or gasification, fermentation/distillation, and biomaterials/materials recovery.

Power generation debt financing available up to the length of the PPA

In3 Finance has been a designated loan originator and loan packager registered with development finance institutions such as World Bank Group, regional development banks, and US OPIC (now DFC), appropriate when allowing 6-18 months lead time (planning now for project financing next year).  We mostly now work with an in-house source of capital (like a family office), as well as network of family offices and impact investors worldwide where we can make introductions as needed.  For qualified projects, we are partners with a private non-bank underwriter (lender with the authority to also invest equity) focused on renewables-related projects that makes financing radically more efficient and reliable.  See In3 Capital Partners.

Underwriting Criteria

Before taking next steps, learn more about our funding criteria.  Summary version:

  • Experienced team
  • Financial returns (specifically, double-digit unlevered IRRs for equity investors, strong cash flow for lenders)
  • Creditworthy off-takers (if producing electricity, is the power purchaser reputable with stable financial history?)
  • Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) price, terms, termination and buyout values
  • Asset ownership and property rights clearly defined
  • Interconnection (if electricity), environmental impacts, permits.

* NOTE:  In3 also arranges alternative (non-bank) capital for ventures (learn about the difference between venture and project funding) seeking to commercialize renewables-related technology, including capital for feasibility studies, pilot-scale projects, seed-stage and technical assistance grants, from inception to exit. We work with companies in both the US and in these countries, but overseas opportunities focused on emerging markets remain an important part of our focus on impact finance.

To get started with financing your renewable energy-related startup venture (that is, if not qualified for In3 CAP funding — 7 situations when CAP is your best or only option), please let us know what services you need so we can take next steps.

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