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Carbon sequestration strategies to mitigate climate change

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Carbon sequestration strategies to mitigate climate change

Putting Carbon back in the soil where it belongs

In3 and affiliated Renewables Investor Forum (RIF) featured a member of the No Regrets Initiative, Family Office investor and philanthropist Sallie Calhoun at a RIF-sponsored panel discussion on what we can do about carbon, moderated by In3 founder and Managing Partner, Daniel Robin.

Related to that, check out this BALLE video post from the #NoRegrets Initiative’s “regenerative asset strategy,” which leverages land, philanthropy, and investment to cultivate healthy soil as a solution for climate change and to address persistent issues of health and nutrition.  No Regrets Initiative was founded by Esther Park (Cienega Capital), Nikki Silvestri (Soil and Shadow), and Sallie Calhoun (Paicines Ranch).