Monterey Bay, California
+1 831-761-0700

The Role and Responsibilities of In3 Registered Affiliates

Inspire | Innovate | Invest

Who is it for? In3’s Affiliate Program is for iBankers, Asset Managers, Financial Advisors and other Consultants who wish to collaborate on financing for projects and share revenue

Authorized and listed In3 Affiliates successfully complete our Affiliates Masterclass, adding to their repertoire the services and authority of In3’s Completion Assurance [Guarantee] Program™ (CAP funding).  You need not change how you do business in order to work with us, but as a registered “agent” or “office” of In3 Capital Group, we would define and include your professional services as a member of the extended In3 team.  When there’s sufficient deal flow aligned with In3’s Investment Strategy, we support “white labeling” In3’s unique offerings.

These opportunities come with certain obligations and benefits.

Here are seven key areas of presumed responsibility, then below that, some of the benefits.  Please read both and ask questions before taking steps to become an Affiliate.  Your success as a Registered Affiliate, and commensurate compensation, is largely determined by how well we both perform in serving clients.  Extra credit and income goes to those who can progressively assume greater responsibility, particularly in the role of careful screening and gatekeeping for our flagship funding, the Completion Assurance Program (article on CAP funding’s purpose and goals here).

Responsibility areas for the role of a Registered In3 Affiliate:

  1. Operate your “independent office” and get paid as a consultant or contractor. This affiliate role does not constitute an employee/employer relationship — neither making you an employee of In3 Group nor the other way around.  You would continue to set your own hours, cover your own direct costs (unless otherwise arranged in advance), bring your own skills, network, and in most cases, shared clients.  In3 provides additional tools, templates, resources (such as capital) to the benefit of all stakeholders.
  2. Screen and clarify client requests for funding or other services before contacting In3.  Interact with leads and “suspects” to tease out whether or not they have the experience, knowledge, preparation, and financial fundamentals to proceed with fundraising.  If not, make sure you and they are aware of what else first needs to be in place before they will succeed at securing funding.
    How?  Contact In3 on their behalf (or notify us via Email or text that the client is incoming under an established services agreement) to get our go-ahead once there is a reasonably high probability that the client’s project, or pipeline of projects, fit In3’s investment strategy and focus.
  3. Continue to Qualify or Pre-Qualify Client Projects, managing and coordinating client introductions, initially via Email and our “onboarding” systems.  We provide the tools, templates, FAQs and customer-facing “knowedgebase,” plus periodic live events, webinars, etc., in support of Affiliates and their clients’ expanding success.  In-person meetings used to be preferable to accelerate trust, when practical, but less common in this post-COVID marketplace.  Project finance documentation must do the initial bidding and satisfy mutual KYC.
    How?  Refer to our stepwise protocol; this is Stage 1, or “Apply & Qualify”), which means

    1. FACILITATE Six Essentials for CAP funding shown here, with whatever vetting is needed to verify and clarify answers the client gives you. First four (4) essentials will move the client through two checkpoints and determine if their project(s) pre-qualify for funding.  Nothing binding at this stage.  We do not charge for this and neither should you, but that’s your call.
    2. SCREEN:  Answer your client’s preliminary questions to the best of your ability (make sure you and they first refer to this FAQ), seeking solutions to any apparent issues or obstacles.  Note that if we repeatedly answer a client’s questions with answers that are readily available online, that’s a clear sign you are not fulfilling your role as gatekeeper. That said, if you are just not sure, you’ll want to let the client know that you will indeed get a clear answer for them.
    3. APPLY:  After using In3’s onboarding system, we will soon have a more automated and educational system to guide their CAP funding pre-qualification, but for now, please work with the lead (all are considered “leads” until confirmed as pre-qualified for CAP or qualified and accepted for other funding programs/services), you or the client can register their project(s) in our tracking system at In some cases, you may want to ask the client to register their own project(s), indicating that “Lead Source” is an In3 Registered Affiliate — your firm or name.  Also, please send a note to apply @ with the name of the client project company and evidence of at least the first three (3) of Six Essentials.
  4. Guide, coach and advise clients to deliver a qualifying financing package, including the CAP funding guarantee, first by learning …
    1. Why and how we use a financial (completion assurance) guarantee as security
    2. The similarities and differences between the main guarantee options (more), when to suggest they use a sponsor
    3. How to present or pitch the guarantor on the program’s benefits and advantages, business logic and security (assuming they are non-fraudulent) under Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (Practitioner Series article), and
    4. best practices for bringing forward the requisite guarantee verbiage, then RWA letter or other proof that the instrument will be sent once all commercial contracts are entered, including how to steer clear of scams and fraud.
  5. Work with your clients to establish a services contract; coordinate this with In3 management (usually managing partner, Daniel Robin).  Lead your team, set expectations and standards for excellence, professionalism, and confidentiality (healthy boundaries and respect for privacy, trade secrets, IP, etc.).  If you are a solopreneur or individual consultant, then no problem … just be sure to operate in this manner.  Otherwise, contractually arrange mutual confidentiality and non-circumvention (MNDA / NCA) as well appropriate compensation for all other team members on your side.  In3 has a mutual NCNDA template available upon request.
  6. Attend periodic Discussion Groups, Webinars, or MasterClass sessions [next one tentatively planned for late February 2023] after entering an NDA/NCA with In3.  Pass the exit quiz and sign an In3 consulting services agreement.  If you do not pass, you will have another opportunity to self-study and retake the exit quiz, or send a proxy/delegate from your company.  Course updates or new Affiliate courses are typically offered annually and can be attended virtually (webinar-style programs), with periodic updates.
  7. Make travel arrangements to meet in person:  In3’s Affiliates are literally all across the globe, so no travel will be required or expected.  That said, we may arrange to meet in person either 1:1 or at future events hosted by Renewables Investor Forum when they resume.

NOTE: In3 Capital Group offers this revenue-sharing and referral fee program for those who bring qualified investment opportunities (in the form of vetted clients), usually with sovereign- or bank guaranteed-projects that qualify under our Completion Assurance [Guarantee] Program™ (CAP funding), and/or new investors or sources of said guarantees from your side.  Your role is much more involved than opening the door for a client then ad walking awayOur most successful affiliate offices take responsibility per areas 2-6, above, and pay attention to the client’s credentials, honesty, skills and integrity of the people involved, and then proceed to determine project quality and qualification.  This is the most important part of an Affiliate’s role — skillful gatekeeping, second only to effectively representing the funding program specifics, handling issues, obstacles or objections.

If you are interested in a lighter “intermediary” or “introducer” role, please note In3 agent’s Affiliate Options and let us know what you prefer.

CAP funding pre-qualification basics

First, learn the CAP funding “4-S Cornerstones” of Size, Space, Stage and Surety by following the link below:

Completion Assurance Program™ (CAP funding)

Customer Relationship Management and Project Finance Completion 

Next, familiarize yourself with our procedures (formal, banker-oriented 1-page PDF summary) so you are prepared to handle client requests for information or support.  Affiliates collaborate with In3 personnel, to advance through CAP’s three stages, where the Affiliate takes on the majority of responsibility for knowing the client and Stage 1) Apply & Qualify, setting expectations and preparing the project for due diligence.  Due diligence begins once we receive their issuing bank’s RWA letter and the complete package, and if all goes well, will result in a negotiated agreement with the client to fund one or more of their projects (a Loan Agreement and Share Purchase Agreement).

If all goes well, we will reach Stage 2) Accept Offer and reach financial closing within 2-4 weeks, followed by Stage 3) Fund & Launch, within 30-45 days after closing.

For Further Information

Available upon request:  video “sample” or live (video conference) session to clarify these procedures as required.

Perks / Benefits / What you get out of the relationship

Got questions?  We’ve got answers.